Information for B.A.S.E. jumpers

If you plan on BASE jumping at Ekstremsportveko, please contact Head of BASE Joakim Lerhaugen, for any questions, and to be added to the info-group, for information about heli day and guided tours. All BASE jumpers must fill out a registration form before heli day.

The Nærøyfjord area is (in our opinion) one of the best places on earth for BASE jumping, If you are into either sick wingsuit lines, scenic onesie flights, steep tracking jumps or cheeky slider down jumps? Or all of the above?? we have something for you. The area offers endless opportunities for BASE jumping if you are willing to put in some effort. A lot of the jumps have demanding hikes, so being fit for hiking is highly recomended, to be able to reach exit, and still have energy to perform the jump safely. If you like heli-rides to exit, we offer that also, on the Gudvangen BASE/ heli day (usually Tuesday.)

On the BASE/ Heli day we have a helicopter shuttling to exit Sparkling diamonds (10+sec rockdrop, excellent for tracking), from Sparkling diamonds it's a 30min hike to exit Skjerpis (6sec rock drop, awesome for ws/ experienced onepiece trackers.) In order to participate in the heli day you need to have performed 50 BASE jumps from big walls (you will be asked to provide a reference for your experience). You are required to have a modern two pin BASE rig system with a suitable pilot chute for the type of BASE jump you are doing. You will need to buy an extreme pass to be able to enter the Heli.

More detailed information about program, guided tours, exits, heli day, and all the other fun stuff we are in the progress of planning, will be released march 15th. Again, please do not hesitate to contact the head of BASE Joakim Lerhaugen, at, for any questions about BASE during veko.

LEAVE NOTHING BUT FOOTPRINT - ON ALL EXIT/LANDING AREAS LEAVE NO TRASH! (Do not leave rocks either, if you use that to pack your parachutes)

We will and must have a good collaboration with landowners, and respect their interests. We rely on all B.A.S.E jumpers, to take individual responsibility to avoid conflict of interest. In Gudvangen we have permission to land/on the infield during the heli-day, this is a special agreement. Nothing should be left on the infield/landing. If you are unsure about anything ask the head of base. 


Hikers in the district of Aurland are advised NOT to access Nebbet, Kammen and Sparkling on the front side due to loose rocks at the top of the cliffs and the risk of rockslides!